Exportise has just completed its first Sales Pipeline Management workshop of the year, which is part of the Enterprise Ireland Excel at Export Selling programme. This highly practical one-day workshop assists companies to implement a structured and systematic sales pipeline management system in order to increase their conversion of sales leads and grow their export sales more quickly.
The companies that attended ranged from small start-ups with limited export sales to large multi-million turnover companies with vast export experience. Attenders were from a range of sectors, including technology, chemical, food, environmental and design sectors, and through this workshop, they have gained vital tools, templates, best practices – and hopefully the enthusiasm required! – to take their export sales to the next level.
If you have about any aspect of export selling – sales pipeline management, export sales processes, nurturing opportunities and sales audit structures – get in contact with us as we would be delighted help or guide you in the right direction.
Check out this article by our project manager Shaleen about what questions young businesses should ask themselves before entering export phase: Essential Questions to Ask Before Your Export Move
Exportise were present this morning at the launch of the Irish Exporters Digital Marketing Research & Insights publication, carried out by Voodoo on behalf of the Irish Exporters Association. A panel of involved professionals shared a lot of revealing and interesting insights and statistics regarding the digital behaviour of Irish exporting companies.
Hosted by William Fry at the Grand Canal Dock offices, we at Exportise were suitably enthused by the informative presentations and the opportunity to chat with our fellow exporters. And we could certainly recommend that you check out today’s presentation by Jamie Dowling, the managing director of VooDoo, which is available online here.
Senior sales professional and experienced sales coach Ronan Kilroy has joined the team at Exportise.
In addition to running his own professional coaching consultancy, Ronan has significant B2B sales experience, both in Ireland and overseas, and previously collaborated with Exportise to develop and deliver export sales training for Enterprise Ireland’s “Excel and Export Selling” training programme.
As part of the Exportise team, Ronan’s sales expertise and knowledge will further augment our ability to help our current and future clients succeed in foreign markets. Welcome Ronan!
SMEs that are EU-based can apply for EU funding and support to develop groundbreaking innovative ideas for products, services or processes that are ready for global market competition. With over €3 billion in funding available 2014-2020 through the “SME Instrument”, it’s definitely worth checking out:
However, nobody said it would be easy, as only 12% of applicants are currently meeting the criteria for commercialisation potential. Here’s a great article providing tips and tricks for greater success in SME Instrument applications:
As an approved consultant for Enterprise Ireland, we regularly work with companies and EI to develop the strategic marketing capability of Irish SMEs that are successfully trading internationally, but are looking to expand their international client base.
We’ve just completed a Strategic Marketing Review process for Dublin, Hong Kong and Boston-based company Red Box Direct, who specialise in setting up sales offices in Europe, Asia and the US at low cost and low risk.
Read our full story here.
Multilingual communication as a tool for export growth… By Giovanni Giusti via Irish Exporters Association.
‘If exports are an important part of your growth plan, you need to be able to communicate with your customers in their language.
One of the differences between successful and less-than-successful export companies is the level of thought and consideration given to language and communication. Of course, English is widely-spoken around the world, and it is often referred to as the language of international commerce, but is relying on English really good enough?’
Read the full article here.
Today the Irish Exporters Association together with ABP Ireland, AIB, DHL Express, Euler Hermes and PwC are launching the National Export Campaign and National Export Hub in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Enterprise Ireland http://www.irishexporters.ie/about-iea-hub/.
Exportise are at hand to offer export consultancy advice to the SMEs.
We at Exportise are very impressed with the recently launched Export Start Guide, a joint initiative developed by Invest Northern Ireland, Chartered Accountants Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, which guides businesses on the road to exporting – Export Start Guide.
It highlights the benefits of exporting and includes practical advice on selling internationally, along with real-world case studies taken from the experiences of companies that are already successful in overseas markets.
The approach advocated is totally in line with how we at Exportise work with our clients, particularly on the Export Planning side and the implementation of such plans. We hope it encourages many to consider exporting – and maybe also give us a call to assist them.
December has been busy for Exportise, and we’re delighted to have three new clients coming on stream for the New Year, in the business outsourcing, plastics moulding and cabling sectors.
We’ll be assisting them to expand their international client base. We’re looking forward to bringing you more news on this in 2015!
Broad welcome from the Irish Exporters’s Association for an export-friendly Budget2015, but more is needed to get the SME sector really going again…
Read the full media release here: IEA Post Budget 2015 Statement
Exportise would like to invite Enterprise Ireland client companies to our 4th “Sales Pipeline Management” workshop, part of Excel at Export Selling series, organised in partnership with Enterprise Ireland.
An effective sales pipeline management system, properly embedded in your business, will lead to increased sales.
This Exportise-led workshop helps enable companies to implement a structured and systematic sales pipeline management system in order to increase the conversion of international sales leads and grow export sales faster.
Follow the link below to find out more and register for our workshop on the 30th September:
Sales Pipeline Management workshop 30th September 2014
Dublin-based export consultancy Exportise has secured a substantial client base of Irish manufacturing and service SMEs in 2014, with whom it is working to secure international business as they venture into exporting for the first time, as well as assisting established exporters to expand into new markets and improve their sales processes.
To read the full article, please click here.