exportise advises, trains, consults with and directly assists companies that want to take the first steps into exporting or to build on existing export success.
We are a sales- focused company that brings together the collective experiences of those that have already done it. With a growing track record, we work with business owners, CEOs and sales directors every day providing assistance in all aspects of generating new business abroad and increasing their export sales capabilities.
Selling and marketing to clients in export markets presents specific challenges and risks. Exportise believes that many excellent Irish companies are underachieving in or simply not engaging with export markets due to a lack of specialised sales and marketing know how. Exportise attempts to fill this gap.
Exportise is a member of Enterprise Ireland’s expert consulting panel for export sales and marketing best practice and has also been engaged by EI to deliver their “Excel at Export Selling – sales pipeline management” training programme. We have excellent relationships with Enterprise Ireland, both in Ireland and the international network, and advise our clients on how best to access Enterprise Ireland’s financial and non-financial supports.
Exportise advises, trains and consults with Irish SMEs through a professional, hands-on business development approach to generate profitable sales in export markets. Exportise is a practical, cost effective and professional way to help clients take the first steps in exporting or to help them build quickly on existing export successes.
Established Exportise in 2010 to bring his own practical export sales and marketing knowhow to Irish businesses. He is himself a multiple business owner and has been selling professionally in a business-to-business environment for more than 20 years, most of that in export markets.
Paddy holds an MBA from Dublin City University and has held senior positions both in Ireland and abroad for subsidiaries of large Irish multinationals. Most recently he was European Sales Director of a major Irish recruitment company since 2002, launching and managing their European business activities and helping to double their turnover to more than €120 million per annum.
Paddy has seen what it takes to build a profitable export business. Starting a network from scratch, learning the business culture, developing a successful value proposition, learning the key sales messages, effectively managing a sales pipeline and closing the deal – he has done it.
This process takes time, effort and resources. Paddy has created Exportise to assist companies to accelerate that process and increase their export sales.
Is a senior communications professional with 15 years marketing and public relations experience, the last seven of which has been spent advising Irish organisations in the not-for-profit sectors as well as commercial clients. She works with clients to ‘amplify’ their communications impact: building strategies, developing promotional plans and PR campaigns, and advising on all aspects of corporate communications, particularly digital marketing and social media optimisation.
Joined Exportise after spending a number of years working throughout Europe, most recently in Spain. Since joining the company, Sebastian has worked on all aspects of the sales pipeline for clients, from scoping and researching market opportunities to initiating relationships and winning new international business. An MSc graduate (Business & Entrepreneurship) from Dublin Institute of Technology, Sebastian is also founder and editor of a major international yachting news website.
Previously worked in Germany and more recently in the UK before joining the Exportise team as a project manager. Drawing on his language capabilities and experience in these markets he will be working closely with clients on all aspects of sales process. Tim is a Graduate of the Enterprise Ireland International Growth programme, and has a BA in Business Studies from Dublin Business School.
Is a digital media professional with ever expanding web development and database management knowledge. Originally from Lithuania, she has been living and working in Ireland, in both commercial and non-profit sectors, since 2004. Indre joined the Exportise team to, among other duties, contribute to the new services now offered by the company, particularly in digital marketing and public relations.
Is the owner of Insthinktive Leadership, a strategic planning and professional coaching consultancy, specialising in transforming already accomplished leaders and their teams to the next level of personal and professional success. Exportise collaborates with Ronan – who himself has significant B2B sales experience – in developing and delivering best-practice export sales training and coaching, particularly for Enterprise Ireland’s “Excel at Export Selling” training programme.