Enterprise Ireland have reacted quickly to the Brexit decision by providing important information for exporters in light of the UK decision, as well as launching five pillars of support for Irish companies exporting to the UK, including information and guidance, market diversification supports, international sector clustering strategy, UK in-market supports and competitiveness and market development supports.
Read more about this here:
5 Pillars of Enterprise Ireland Support _ Information guide for Irish exporters to the UK
Enterprise Ireland – Information for Irish Exporters to the UK
Exportise has just completed its first Sales Pipeline Management workshop of the year, which is part of the Enterprise Ireland Excel at Export Selling programme. This highly practical one-day workshop assists companies to implement a structured and systematic sales pipeline management system in order to increase their conversion of sales leads and grow their export sales more quickly.
The companies that attended ranged from small start-ups with limited export sales to large multi-million turnover companies with vast export experience. Attenders were from a range of sectors, including technology, chemical, food, environmental and design sectors, and through this workshop, they have gained vital tools, templates, best practices – and hopefully the enthusiasm required! – to take their export sales to the next level.
If you have about any aspect of export selling – sales pipeline management, export sales processes, nurturing opportunities and sales audit structures – get in contact with us as we would be delighted help or guide you in the right direction.
As an approved consultant for Enterprise Ireland, we regularly work with companies and EI to develop the strategic marketing capability of Irish SMEs that are successfully trading internationally, but are looking to expand their international client base.
We’ve just completed a Strategic Marketing Review process for Dublin, Hong Kong and Boston-based company Red Box Direct, who specialise in setting up sales offices in Europe, Asia and the US at low cost and low risk.
Read our full story here.
We at Exportise are very impressed with the recently launched Export Start Guide, a joint initiative developed by Invest Northern Ireland, Chartered Accountants Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, which guides businesses on the road to exporting – Export Start Guide.
It highlights the benefits of exporting and includes practical advice on selling internationally, along with real-world case studies taken from the experiences of companies that are already successful in overseas markets.
The approach advocated is totally in line with how we at Exportise work with our clients, particularly on the Export Planning side and the implementation of such plans. We hope it encourages many to consider exporting – and maybe also give us a call to assist them.
Exportise have recently started a new consulting process with one of Enterprise Ireland’s client companies as part of their Strategic Marketing Review Programme – click here for the Programme details.
We’re delighted to be applying our marketing and export consulting skills in yet another programme supporting Irish SMEs.
We’re all buzzed at Exportise today, after our really lively ‘Excel at Export Selling’ workshop at Enterprise Ireland yesterday. The 11 participating companies, in sectors as diverse as construction, manufacturing, technology and consulting, were unified in their energy and willingness to fully engage in our Sales Pipeline Management workshop, which made for a very positive experience for everyone.
We’re already looking forward to our follow-up sessions with these dynamic companies and to helping them make an impact on international markets.
For more info on the Enterprise Ireland “Excel at Export Selling” programme, click here.
Here at Exportise, we love the entrepreneurial nature of Irish businesspeople, and are delighted to read about this Enterprise Ireland START workshop to help people along their entrepreneurial journey.
Read about it here.
A selection of exportise clients will be attending the International Markets Week which runs for the 17th – 22nd of September in the RDS, Dublin. This event will give them an opportunity to discuss their exports plans and ambitions with a team of over 100 marketing specialists from Enterprise Ireland’s network of 30 offices representing over 60 markets throughout the world.
Their plans will include expanding their sales in existing markets, improving their distribution strategy, finding new customers and exporting into new markets. With the help of exportise along with the contacts made at the event these businesses will be able to reach there full export potential.
We would strongly encourage all Enterprise Ireland clients to consider availing of this opportunity.